Driver Training Solutions
The MIDAS minibus training, or the Minibus Driver Awareness Scheme, aims to improve minibus driving standards and promote safer driving practices. This training was created and is administered by the Community Transport Association (CTA). The Community Transport Association recognised the need for a nationally recognised standard for minibus drivers and decided to introduce the MIDAS training scheme.
Although MIDAS minibus training was primarily introduced for community groups and associations, it can be very beneficial for any organisation or business fleets with minibuses. This allows for companies to validate and improve driving standards and passenger safety. If your business operated minibuses, MIDAS training could be beneficial for you. It is proven that better drivers deliver better service, and MIDAS training helps you do just that.
MIDAS minibus training has both practical and theoretical components and covers many aspects of defensive driver training. In addition to the training, we can provide you with a driver risk assessment, on request, with a full written report.
Our MIDAS minibus training courses are available for groups and single drivers. This allows us to tailor each session to the needs of your business and employees. The course consists of a 2.5-hour presentation, which can be done in groups, followed by a 1.5 hour one to one practical training session. This means that each driver completes a total of 4 hours of professional training to help them become safer and more responsible minibus drivers.
MIDAS minibus training can benefit your business in a variety of different ways. The training that we provide will upskill your employees and encourage them to adopt an improved driving technique. This is advantageous for businesses and organisations of any size. Better drivers can help you deliver a better service and save money. In addition to this, training helps to ensure the comfort and safety of your passengers and clients. Other benefits that your business may gain from our Midas minibus training include:
Skilled drivers help to improve the comfort and safety of passengers through their driving practices. Unskilled drivers may damage your organisation’s reputation through poor or dangerous driving. This can result in a negative perception of your business. Through completing our MIDAS training course, your drivers can learn to ensure that all of your passengers enjoy a safe and comfortable journey.
The training we provide helps to improve your employees awareness and anticipation skills. This helps to reduce the risk of them being involved in an incident. Road traffic incidents cost business on average £6000 per year, and can damage company reputation.
Through adopting an improved driving technique, your employees can help reduce emissions and running costs. Our training enables your employees to drive in a more fuel-efficient manner, making better use of the vehicle’s controls. This allows your employees to drive further for longer on less fuel, and reduce maintenance costs.
With 1 in 3 road traffic accidents in the UK involving individuals driving for work, it is clear that training is essential to improve safety standards. Our training can help you create a culture of safety within your organisation or business. This helps to ensure the safety of your employees and passengers, by limiting the risk of your drivers being involved in an accident. Road traffic accidents can cost you money and damage your reputation. Our professional driver training solutions can help you avoid this.
We only work with the best driver trainers to deliver our bespoke courses. As we cover all vehicle groups and provide both classroom and in vehicle training we have trainers with different specialities who we utilise to provide our range of courses. Every trainer who delivers our MIDAS minibus training is registered as trainer with the MIDAS minibus scheme.
If you would like to find out more about our MIDAS minibus training courses, we would love to hear from you. Please take the time to get in touch and find out how we can help your business today.
Our driver training courses are available across the UK and internationally. The training typically takes place in and around the premises of our clients.
Our training is bespoke, and the price of our courses are dependent on a number of factors. However, our clients typically save the cost of the course within a matter of weeks. Please contact us today for a quotation.
You can use your own minibus providing that it is insured for training, or we can supply you with one.
Our savings calculator shows your estimated potential fuel savings with our Fuel-Efficient Driver Training Courses. This is only a guide, and there is potential for you to save even more money through lower insurance costs and less vehicle wear.
Interested in our MIDAS minibus training course? We would love to hear from you. Please take the time to get in touch today, and find out how we can help your business.