Fuel-Efficient Driver Training

Eco Driving Fuel Efficient Driver Training

What Is Fuel-Efficient Driving?

Fuel-efficient driving is a style of driving which helps increase your vehicle’s fuel-efficiency. This helps to reduce the emissions produced from your business’ vehicles and the volume of fuel required to fulfil your business’ needs. Driving in a fuel-efficient manner not only reduces your business’ carbon footprint but can help you reduce costs significantly. 

Research shows that drivers who drive in an uneconomical fashion use up to 30% more fuel on average. This can have major implications on your business’ operating costs and the environment. Our fuel-efficient driver training courses help your drivers develop their skills and driving technique by encouraging better use of the vehicle’s controls and developing heightened anticipation skills. Our training has proven results and has helped our clients reduce fuel costs of up to 20% per driver. This can have a profound effect on your business, no matter your size.

What Can Fuel-Efficient Driver Training Do For My Business?

Our fuel-efficient driver training courses are designed with businesses like yours in mind. Uneconomical drivers can cost business money through increased of fuel consumption. These are unnecessary costs and with our training, your drivers can actively help to save your business money. Whether you only have a few vehicles or a full fleet, we’re here to help you. 

With society becoming more aware of the effects of climate change, businesses have found themselves having to adapt to reduce their carbon footprint. Our bespoke fuel-efficient training courses can help your business save money and reduce emissions by upskilling your drivers. This can benefit your business in a variety of different ways, with many customers looking favourably towards ‘green brands’. 

Our 50 minute Fuel Efficient Driver Training Courses, is split into two circuits of the same route,  with each circuit lasting around 15 to 20 minutes. On the first circuit, the driver will drive as normal. This allows for our trainer to identify areas for development. At the end of the first drive, we record the data, for example, the distance travelled, taken, average speed and mpg for that trip. This is followed by a short discussion about the drive and results, before undertaking the second drive, on which the trainer will offer coaching on eco-driving techniques. On average,  we generally record an improvement of 14.8% on the second circuit. 

All of our fuel-efficient driver training courses can be delivered in a range of different vehicles, including cars, vans, minibuses and trucks.

Our Fuel-Efficient Driver Training Includes

fuel-efficient driver training - Awareness

Awareness and Anticipation

Defensive Driver Training - Observations

Observation Training

Vehicle Controls Use - Grey fleet

Improved Use Of Controls

Grey Fleet Training - Eco Driving

Eco-Driving Techniques

Our Professional Driver Trainers

As we cover all vehicle groups and provide both classroom and in vehicle training we have trainers with different specialities who we utilise to provide our range of courses. We only work with the best driver trainers to deliver our courses. Every trainer has completed a train the trainer course with the Energy Savings Trust to deliver the highest standard of fuel-efficient driver training.

What Are The Benefits Of Fuel Efficient Driver Training?

Fuel efficient driver training can be beneficial for your business in a variety of different ways. Through safer and more fuel-efficient drivers, you can reduce your business’ emissions, lower your operating costs, and limit the risk of incidents occurring. Your business may also benefit from:

Unskilled drivers can use significantly more fuel. This results in higher emissions, increased operating costs, and more wear and tear on your business’ vehicles. Our training upskills your drivers, encouraging them to make better use of their vehicle’s controls and gears. This results in less wear and tear and significantly lower emissions, allowing your drivers to travel further for longer.

With more skilled drivers, you reduce the risk to your business, with the likelihood of incidents decreasing significantly. This contributes to a range of benefits, from improved employee and business safety, to a reduction in running costs. Fewer incidents may also help to reduce insurance costs. 

Our fuel efficient driver training course improves the overall skill level of your drivers. Through upskilling your employees, they can adopt a better driving style resulting in more fuel efficiency, and less wear and tear on your vehicles. This can save you money on the cost of fuel and vehicle maintenance. We can help reduce fuel costs of up to 20% per driver. This can have a profound effect on your business, allowing you to save money and increase profits exponentially. 

Eco Stars Fleet Recognition Scheme

We’ve teamed up with Eco Stars Fleet Recognition Scheme to help you and your business improve fuel efficiency, reduce fuel consumption, and emissions. This will help to lower your business’ carbon footprint and save you money on fuel costs.

The Eco Stars Fleet Recognition is a free scheme, and they will work with you to create a road map to help you achieve your business’ goals. Visit EcoStars to find out more.

Contact Us

If you would like to find out more about our fuel efficient driver training courses, we would love to hear from you. Please take the time to get in touch and find out how we can help your business today. 

How Can We Help You?

Fuel Efficient Driver Training FAQs

Our driver training courses are available across the UK and internationally. The training typically takes place in and around the premises of our clients. 

Our training is bespoke, and the price of our courses are dependent on a number of factors. However, our clients typically save the cost of the course within a matter of weeks. Please contact us today for a quotation. 

Our fuel efficient driver training courses have the potential to save your business up to 20% on fuel costs. We usually see an average MPG improvement of 14.8% during our sessions. Whether you have a few drivers or a fleet of vehicles this can significantly lower your operating costs and save money. 

Savings Calculator

Our savings calculator shows your estimated potential fuel savings with our Fuel-Efficient Driver Training Courses. This is only a guide, and there is potential for you to save even more money through lower insurance costs and less vehicle wear. 

Get In Touch

Interested in our fuel-efficient driver training course? We would love to hear from you. Please take the time to get in touch today, and find out how we can help your business. 

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